Thesis Fair: Present your Research Question to Master Students
The Thesis Fair brings together companies, University of Amsterdam research groups and over 500 Masters students from the Graduate School of Informatics (GSI)
In previous years, the event has resulted in many collaborations between students and companies. Attending organisations include large companies, research institutes, start-ups and governmental agencies. The event allows for a free flow of conversation to take place between the two parties and discover their best fit.
Access to young educated talent
This collaboration allows for education, research and industry to come together and develop innovative research internships in a mutually beneficial partnership. The students have the opportunity to work with research groups or companies on innovative and scientifically novel and professionally relevant topics whilst companies and researchers gain access to wanted young educated talents.
Participating students
The participating students come from the following programs: MSc Artificial Intelligence, MSc Logic, MSc Information Studies: Data Science track and Information Systems track, MSc Computational Science and MSc Software Engineering.
'I enjoyed most the volume of the great young talent [...] It has been a very beneficial programme, via which we have managed to do good research, produce publications, and create prototypes of services that later on we productionized. It also helps us explore fast in the form of PoCs, research directions that are unknown.'

Join the Thesis Fair
Ahead of the Thesis Fair external organisations and research groups are contacted with an invitation to attend the Thesis Fair by submitting project proposals - invitations are sent out in May or June. In this invitation, organisations will receive all pertinent information about the event dates and times as well as how to submit project proposals and their deadlines. Projects are typically due at the end of August, before the academic year starts. The Thesis Fair takes place in October.
If an organisation wishes to receive this invitation email please contact the Thesis Fair team via the contact form or directly via email.
Meeting face-to-face gives students the opportunity to ask tailored questions and potentially stand out. This contact also allows for a more personal discussion and dissemination of opinions which are potentially important for the students’ and employers’ assessments of whether a research proposal or placement is suitable. Unexpected opportunities arose, through this format, and that was how I secured my first internship placement.
The investment depends on the type of company or organisation. Start-ups, scale-ups, non-profit organisations, and government entities only pay 200 euros, medium companies 700 euros and large companies 1500 euros. For hospitals, it is free. Companies that rent an office in LAB42 also receive a 25% discount.
Connect and benefit
For more information and submitting a project, please visit the site. If you have questions please reach out to team via thesisfair-IvI@uva.nl or fill in the form below.