Search Engines Amsterdam: IR@AMS
Information drives the planet. Search Engines Amsterdam (SEA) organizes talks around implementations of information retrieval, in search engines, in recommender systems, or in conversational assistants. They host monthly meetups followed by drinks.
This month is a special edition of SEA where they will look back at a year of research and innovation in information retrieval in Amsterdam. Talks, long and short, from academia, industry, and startups in the Amsterdam area.
- Jakub Zavrel, Zeta Alpha
- Hosein Azarbonyad, Elsevier
- Ece Takmaz, University of Amsterdam
- Maria Heuss, University of Amsterdam
- Bas Vlaming, Picnic
- Vaishali Pal, University of Amsterdam
- Chuan Meng, University of Amsterdam
- Romain Deffayet, Naver Labs and University of Amsterdam
- Jin Huang, University of Amsterdam
You can join online (link to be shared) or on site in LAB42.
Search Engines Amsterdam is supported by the ELLIS unit Amsterdam.