LAB42: one year!
It all started with a dream… About a unique place where students, researchers and companies all work together under one roof. To share knowledge and nurture innovation.
And now… this dream is very real: LAB42 has been open for one year! Hurray! 💥
That means amongst others that all these residents have found their place:
- 11 companies and networks;
- 15 research groups - Informatics Institute;
- 3 research groups - Institute for Logic, Language and Computation;
- Intelligent Robotics Lab and Visualisation Lab;
- 3000 students.
They all unite at LAB42.

Last week we raised a toast with a big group of residents to celebrate the remarkable year and to look forward. Marcel Worring, professor of Multimedia Analytics, kicked off with a warm welcome, followed by the celebratory toast.
Four members of our community held a short and inspiring presentation: Jakub Zavrel from Zeta Alpha, Iffat Rose Gill from Code to Change, Ronald de Haan from Theoretical Computer Science and Ana Oprescu from Complex Cyber Infrastructure.
We’re looking forward to the inspiring years ahead. Are you joining us, to answer tomorrow’s questions together?